As the world began to emerge from the challenges of COVID, Ray Rozycki, CEO of Boba
POPS, recognized a unique opportunity to unite communities — starting with his own family.
With his son, Harmon, graduating from college, Ray envisioned a meaningful bond and a
lasting creation they could share together. This vision became Boba POPS, led by this
dedicated father and son pair, working together each day to bring their vision to the
Whether you are in the mood for a refreshing and light cocktail, a burst
of flavor and excitement to a high ABV cocktail, or an infusion of fun and uniqueness into
one of your own creations, Boba POPS is for every type of drink. These one-of-a-kind pearls
of popping spirits are inspired by the creativity that connects us all, making
“a perfect choice for every type of alcohol consumer”